Ok. I am a blogger who LOVES to spy. It's a bad habit. I am a journalist, because I write about fashion and style. I also write about what famous celebrity icons (think Marilyn, or Twiggy) inspire me and I put together outfits that are inspired by those pictures. You may think of me as the style spy. But you can call me The Journalist.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Why can't my life be normal? I'm a good person!

It's funny how certain things come and go. Like fresh grapes, from a vine! They perish the next day. That's how things are with my middle school choices. You see, I want to go to this school called Berkeley Carroll. Then I found out it was a private school. Then, well, my dreams were crushed. So, I want to go to any middle school that has a journalism class. I NEVER understood why people got aressted for grafitti (I live in NYC). I mean, it's our culture. It's art. It's part of being an urban type of person. Wait...HOW DID I GET INTO GRAFITTI TALK? I WAS TALKING ABOUT MIDLLE SCHOOL! Whatever. I love that I am a city child. My life is crazier than you would think any NORMAL kid's life was.Go to school. Do work. Eat lunch. Play tag or jump rope. Social Studies on boring explorers. Then, my favorite part comes. I take the bus home with my friends, Deirdre and Ella. that's where all the drama is. People having massive fights-over a stuffed animal. My friends-for the strangest reason-remind me of the beatles. Ella, like Ringo, Deirdre like Paul. But the best thing is NO ONE is crazy for writing like I am. What a life.

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